Posts Tagged ‘Paris’

Mohammed’s Maggots Attack Paris

PDF version –>  MohammedsMaggots_20151115

The operational wing of the underside of Islam conducted their well-advertised attack against the residents of Paris on 13 Nov 2015, focusing on the innocent and the unprepared.  This attack came only ten months after a similar one against the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo.  It proves that although the Hebdo attack led the French authorities to step up their preparedness against terrorism, something isn’t working since this one caught them off-guard again.  French President Francois Hollande promptly and accurately characterized it as “an act of war”, and promised that France would return the favor.  Meanwhile, U. S. President Barack “I lied, period” Obama took a break from a fund-raiser long enough to give the attacks two solid harrumphs at a news conference, issuing the standard drivel in his normal Commander Obvious way: “this was an attack on the civilized world”.  As usual, he declined to name the enemy.

So it turns out that Mr. Hollande has the will but not the military means.  Mr. Obama has the military means but not the will.  But by combining forces, and with careful negotiations guaranteed not to offend anyone, a Western alliance with neither the will nor the means will be established to fight the Maggots.  Therefore, the Maggots will continue to grow and fester, laying plans to expand their malignancy to other parts of the Western world.  It is likely that Paris is a mere prototype.

Mr. Obama is now at the G-20 Conference in Turkey, conferring in a side meeting with that paragon of virtue and liberty, Russian President Putin.  Syria is engaged in a multi-facetted civil war: the current government led by President Bashar al-Assad, several local groups hoping to depose him and establish something else (we know not what), and ISIS (Mohammed’s Maggots).  Mr. Putin’s goal is to defend and protect his Middle Eastern ally, Mr. Assad.  To do so, Russian forces are fighting against groups opposed to Mr. Assad, except ISIS.   To expect Mr. Putin to devote his attention to ISIS as an aid to France seems logical only to the delusional Mr. Obama. If the Maggots do expand their operation, it will be other nation’s problems as well, but not Russia’s.  The Maggots are smart enough not to attack Russia directly.  They took down a Russian plane in the Sinai as an attack against Egypt’s economy, not against Russia.  This is perfectly understandable to Mr. Putin: it is the long-standing tactic of Communists everywhere, and besides, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.  The conclusion is that the response to the Paris attack is France’s problem; they should expect no material assistance from Russia, the U. S., or other Europeans.

I would advise France not to rely on Saudi Arabia for assistance either.  Let’s not forget that ISIS came from al-Qaeda, and al-Qaeda came from Wahabism, which is the official state-sponsored religion of Saudi Arabia.  Saudi Arabia has not and will not fight ISIS, even though they are in the immediate neighborhood, as it is not polite to bomb your allies.  The goal of the House of Saud is to buy time and ultimately share power with the Maggot Caliphate until such time as it becomes opportune to place the House of Saud on the Caliph’s throne.

France has two problems.  The obvious first one is with the Maggots; the second is with its limp-wristed allies.

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