Archive for December, 2020

The Errors of Sean Hannity, 14 Dec 2020

ErrorsOfSeanHannity_20201214   <– PDF

Mr. Hannity’s monologue tonight was very interesting, as he reviewed the role of the mainstream media in several disgraceful escapades over the past few years:

  1. The false story about collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and Russia in 2016;
  2. The false basis upon which Mr. Trump was impeached in regard to Joe Biden’s quid pro quo corruption adventures in Ukraine;
  3. The failure to report on Hunter Biden’s tax problems and money-laundering accusations prior to the election;
  4. The failure to ask Joe Biden any relevant questions during the campaign (except for the particularly penetrating one in which he was asked what flavor ice cream he bought);
  5. The failure to vet either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as to their positions on relevant issues.

That was all well and good, but then Mr. Hannity showed a collage of CNN and MSNBC Democratic operatives earlier in the year downplaying the possibility of a vaccine for the Wuhan virus before the end of 2020; all of them claimed that Donald Trump was delusional.  The vaccine began distribution and inoculations today (14 Dec 2020).  But that was where Mr. Hannity went wrong: he forgot to point out that the mainstream media, ignorant and arrogant as they are, can never allow themselves to be proven wrong.  He failed to anticipate the mainstream media’s next lines of attack against Donald Trump:

  1. “The vaccine doesn’t work.” Their “proof” will be to point out that the number of cases will continue to rise over the next few months. (Of course they will: the entire nation cannot be vaccinated all at once.)
  2. That Donald Trump used unfair trade practices in favor of Pfizer and Moderna to get the vaccine developed. To do so, they will enlist some Democratic Party hack who claims to know a guy who knows a guy who once worked at Pfizer as a security guard.
  3. That Donald Trump used political threats to intimidate the FDA into approving the vaccine for use. As evidence, they will bring on the same guests as before, the ones that said a vaccine couldn’t be developed in less than five years. They will use the new party lines:
  4. “You can’t have a vaccine in less than five years unless you want one that is more dangerous than the virus”.
  5. “This non-working vaccine is racist, like Donald Trump, because it doesn’t seem to work for people of color.”

Well, you get the idea.  Nothing good can or will be said by CNN, PBS, ABC, CBS, NBC, or MSNBC about either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine; we will continue on lockdowns until the Biden administration manages to get another one approved.

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