Archive for August, 2015

Success in America’s Major Cities

SuccessInAmericasMajorCities  <– PDF version

An examination of the economic situation in our major cities proves that you can’t argue with success.  The success I’m referring to is the political success the Democratic Party has had in winning municipal elections and controlling the economic future of our major cities, mostly in the Northeastern states.  The economic policies that have been implemented over the past two generations are laughable; the disasters are evident to anyone with even a teaspoon of common sense.  But the Democratic Party parties on in these places, continuing the same economic policies that turned industrial giants into pathetic basket cases.  Here is a list of major U. S. cities, and the durations over which the Democratic Party has been in control:

Baltimore, MD:  Continuous Democratic Party control since 1967 (48 years)

Boston, MA:  Continuous Democratic Party control since 1930 (85 years)

Buffalo, NY:  Continuous Democratic Party control since 1966 (49 years)

Chicago, IL:  Continuous Democratic Party control since 1931 (84 years)

Cincinnati, OH: Continuous Democratic Party control since 1984 (31 years)

Cleveland, OH: Continuous Democratic Party control since 1990 (25 years)

Detroit, MI: Continuous Democratic Party control since 1962 (53 years)

Erie, PA: Continuous Democratic Party control since 1966 (49 years)

Newark, NJ: Continuous Democratic Party control since 1962 (53 years)

Pittsburgh, PA: Continuous Democratic Party control since 1934 (81 years)

Philadelphia, PA: Continuous Democratic Party control since 1952 (63 years)

St. Louis, MO: Continuous Democratic Party control since 1949 (66 years)

Washington, DC: Continuous Democratic Party control since 1961 (54 years)

Our largest city, New York, requires a little explanation.  It has been ruled by Democrats continuously since 1970, with the exception of the Giuliani and Bloomberg administrations.  Both of these men were elected as Republicans, but in fact Bloomberg is as hard-core a Marxist as you will find anywhere (now that he made his fortune).  It is fair to say then, that except for the eight years of Giuliani, New York has been run by Democrats for 37 of the last 45 years.

With this list of enormous successes, we can now say for sure what the benefits of socialism amount to: a) High taxes on nearly everything; b) Stringent regulation on nearly everything; c) Reduction of business opportunities; d) Scarcity of work; e) Poor public services; f) Dangerous streets; and above all, g) An arrogant, incompetent, entrenched oligarchy at the top, living the high life.

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