Archive for August, 2017

Barack H. Obama’s Legacy, Part 10

ObamaLegacyPart10   <– PDF

Continuing an analysis of Mr. Obama’s Middle East policy, it is obvious that he, like his predecessor Mr. Bush, failed to understand the source of “Islamic terrorism”.  Actually, it is worse than that.  At least Mr. Bush was willing to call it what it was: a certain branch of Islam that adheres to the original definition of ‘jihad’ as handed down by the Prophet Mohammed and his immediate successors.  That is, anyone who is not a particular type of devout Moslem has to be killed in the service of Allah.  Mr. Obama, sympathetic to Islam, and also convinced that America is first and foremost an oppressor and exploiter nation, declined to admit that the problem was even related to the Islamic religion.  Instead, he and the members of his administration referred to the work of al Qaeda and ISIS using euphemisms such as ‘workplace violence’, ‘personal issues’, ‘hate crimes’, or whatever he could get the compliant media to repeat.  He went so far at one point to deny that ISIS (which established an Islamic Caliphate) was even Islamic.

The incorrect policy pursued by Mr. Obama, imitating somewhat the policy of Mr. Bush, was to enlist the Arab nations in a coalition against the terrorist group. As expected, none of them did much.  The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not part of the solution to Islamic based terrorism. Saudi Arabia is the problem with Islamic terrorism.  The Saudi royal family maintains it power by allowing the Wahhabi sect of Sunni Islam to control the subjects by a religious secret police that also controls the legal system and the education system.  (The Wahhabi’s prefer to be called Salafi.) The Saudi royal family supports and defends the Wahhabi sect as the de facto national religion and in return the Wahhabi’s educate the subjects that they are obligated to support the House of Saud.

The Wahhabi sect is the one branch of Islamic “theology” that has revived the original definition of ‘jihad’ as a viable political and religious system, hence the cause by Al Qaeda, ISIS, and many other like groups to enforce their objectives: a) kill as many Jewish people as possible; b) force the U. S. and other Western nations out of Middle Eastern affairs; c) establish a Caliphate to emulate the grand position once held by the early successors of the Prophet Mohammed (they had conquered vast tracts of the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Spain); and d) use the power of the Caliphate to kill anyone who embraced any other system of faith, starting with Christians. To do that, it is necessary for them to gain control of the Middle East using the terror methods to intimidate the Arab dictatorships, whom they accuse of being too closely aligned with the evil West.  It is notable that they have never attempted any terrorist activity inside Saudi Arabia: it is too soon to attack their current protectors.  The Saudi royal family claimed to be opposed to ISIS, but they never put a division in the field or a squadron in the air against them.

Mr. Obama’s policy of tilting toward Iran as an American favorite was poorly received in Saudi Arabia, as Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia regard each other as mortal enemies.  But the capitulation to Iran’s demands did not deter Mr. Obama from continuing to advocate for weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, as well as confirmations of security agreements made in the past.  Why did he do that?  Because ISIS had gotten stronger in late 2013 and early 2014, and started making noises that they might like to attack Saudi Arabia and remove the royal family.  The House of Saud realized there was no prospect of an alliance with ISIS so they turned to the U. S. for protection, and Mr. Obama came through.  He then began to attack ISIS positions and towns controlled by ISIS, and with it the inevitable collateral damage in the form of civilian casualties.  Those casualties only served ISIS’ propaganda methods, by which they induced more young impressionable idiots to join with them and fight against America, the great Christian evil.

In the end, Mr. Obama he affirmed that the Saudi policy of supporting Wahhabism has no opponents in his administration. On the other hand, his support for Iran and his reluctance to attack Syrian President Assad made the Saudi regime uneasy.  In other words, Mr. Obama acted against a traditional ally’s interests, while ingratiating himself with Iran, Saudi’s greatest enemy.  He dug himself deeper into the moral and political cesspool known as the Middle East, reducing the U. S. to a position of being hated as either an infidel or an unreliable enemy.  Meanwhile, Wahhabism continues to be endorsed by the Saudi regime.

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Barack H. Obama’s Legacy, Part 9

–>  ObamaLegacyPart9

Mr. Obama’s policy in the Middle East was confused as usual.  To be fair to Mr. Obama, he did inherit a difficult situation left by his predecessor President George W. Bush.  Mr. Bush’s great failure was the invasion of Iraq in 2003; that in turn was caused by his failure to understand either the cultural or religious history of the Middle East.  Mr. Bush learned from his father President George H. W. Bush the idiotic foreign policy of President Woodrow Wilson, in which America’s job is allegedly to make the world “safe for democracy”, or some other equally inane phrase.  Mr. Wilson was divorced from reality, and those who follow his general foreign policy prescription demonstrate the same.  Mr. Bush actually believed, or told us he believed, that the U. S. military would be greeted as liberators if it removed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein from power.

Here is how the Arab Middle East actually works. It is possible for an Arab who is not a Moslem to live peacefully and function in a normal society.  It is possible for a Moslem who is not an Arab to live peacefully and function in a normal society.  There is something about the Arab culture and the Moslem religion that in combination causes people who are both to turn into raving retards fit only for the desert wastelands.  A person who is both Arab and Moslem is incapable of living in peace in any society, not even his own; and his main function even within his own society is to kill anyone not of his tribe, or Moslem sect, or family.  The duration of feuds between Arab factions is measured in millennia.   That is why the best that can be achieved in a nation populated by Arab Moslems is that it be ruled with an iron fist by a secular dictator (or absolute monarch).  Such a government is the only way a nation full of Arab Moslems can prevent widespread chaos, destruction, and murder.  Therefore, Mr. Saddam Hussein was the best that could be hoped for in a place like Iraq: at least he suppressed all the crazies that were crazier then him.  History showed after he was gone that about half the population was in fact crazier then he was. Mr. Bush never did learn that lesson; what is sadder is that Mr. Obama never learned it either, even with Mr. Bush’s failure staring him in the face.  To be fair to Mr. Bush, Iraq was sufficiently pacified when he left office, although requiring a U. S. military force of considerable size.

Rather than make the best of a bad situation, Mr. Obama, in his “leading with his behind” approach, decided to withdraw the U. S. military forces from Iraq in the belief that they were capable of rational self-government.  The result was a series of civil wars, culminating in the establishment of ISIS in Eastern Syria and Western Iraq.  That in turn re-ignited the war, which is still going now.  He also decided to remove  Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Ghaddafi, dictator of Libya, and allow him to be replaced by a set of warring factions, all of whom proved themselves crazier than Mr. Ghaddafi.  Likewise. Mr. Obama’s policy in Syria showed the same confused approach.  At first, he wisely failed to support the Syrian rebels.  But then he turned against President Bashar al-Assad because Assad (supposedly) used chemical weapons against his enemies after Mr. Obama promised a “red-line” response if he did.  Assad crossed the line, and nothing happened.  After ISIS got rolling, and the Syrian rebels promised to fight them, Mr. Obama provided some nominal support, and some of those Syrian rebels joined up with ISIS.  All this dithering around in Syria served only to increase the power and influence of the Russians there.

An Arab dictator used chemical weapons against his own people? What else is new?  Arab history continues as it always has and always will.  Al-Assad is the best that the Syrian people can achieve.  But Mr. Obama never gave any support to the Kurds in the northern part of Iraq; the only force willing to actually defeat ISIS.  Mr. Obama apparently was afraid to anger the pathetic excuse of a government in Iraq, which even now, cannot keep peace inside its own borders.  The Iraqi government is concerned that a suitably strong Kurdish faction may seek independence from Iraq.  The Kurds are not Arabs, so an independent nation of Moslem Kurds could in fact function as a normal nation.

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