Archive for December, 2021

History of Money During the French Revolution

French_Revolution   <– PDF

Dear Readers:

The enclosed PDF is section 3.2 from my new book, The Control and Manipulation of Money, available for free download at httpss://  This section describes the depreciation of the paper money issued during the French Revolution (known as assignats and mandats), and the tyrannical means employed to force it into circulation.



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New book announcement

4 Dec 2021

Dear Readers:

I am pleased to announce that I have (finally) completed my new book, “The Control and Manipulation of Money”.  It is available for free download at:


The book consists of two parts.  Part 1 (chapters 1 to 6) discusses basic economics: wealth, capital, labor, rent, credit, taxation, the causes of expansions and recessions, inflation, and national debt. It also includes examples of  monetary depreciation (inflation), the effects of inflation, and the operation of the various banking systems (including central banks under a fractional reserve system).  It is primarily a refutation of the common false claims made by “progressive” socialists.

Part 2 (chapters 7 to 24) is a complete financial and economic history of the U. S. from 1775 to 2020; starting with the Continentals during the Revolution, the first and second Banks of the United States, the National Banking system, and the Federal Reserve system.  It includes all the relevant legislation that changed the banking system and describes the causes of recessions.  Each chapter contains a full set of data: U. S. government revenues and expenditures, national debt, condition statements of the banking system, money supply, coinage, consumer price index (the metric for depreciation of money), and income index.  Part 2 will provide you with all the necessary facts about the monetary situation in the U. S. throughout our history.



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