Archive for November, 2018

Real World Graduation, Question 58: Credit

RealWorldGraduation_Question_58_Credit   <– PDF

Credit is a situation in which a person or institution lends money to another person or institution upon a written promise to repay the loan. The loan is usually repaid at an agreed-upon interest rate.  This additional amount paid by the borrower to the lender is the fee to the lender for the use of his (or the lending institution’s) money.  In other words, the lender gives his capital temporarily to the borrower; the borrower repays the amount borrowed plus a certain percentage per year at a certain rate.  The additional amount repaid is income to the lender for the borrower’s use of his capital.


Normally individuals borrow from banks or credit card companies, but not every person is allowed to borrow the same amount. Some people are allowed to borrow more than others.  Why do banks and credit card companies give credit unequally?

a) Most banks prefer to deal with people they know, and are more likely to be more liberal in the amount of credit they give – in other words, those who know bankers and those who work at credit card companies have an advantage.

b) People who are given less credit are victims of some bias or prejudice by the banks and credit card companies; in fact offering different credit levels is a violation of the Fair Lending Act.

c) Banks and credit card companies give credit based on what is necessary to maintain their lifestyle. Therefore, wealthy people are given more credit than the middle class people, and middle class people are given more credit than poor people because the wealthy have more day-to-day needs than the middle class, and the middle class likewise has greater need than the poor.

d) Banks and credit card companies prefer to give more credit to those who are desperate, because they can squeeze a higher interest rate out of them.

e) Some combination of the above, depending on state regulations

(The answer is on p. 2 of the PDF.)

Posted in critical thinking, Economics, Real World Graduation | No Comments »

Real World Graduation: Question 57: Talk Shows

RealWorldGraduation_Question_57_Talk_Shows  <– PDF

You are watching a talk show on TV. The host is conducting an interview with three guests.  Each of them, including the host, gives their view on the topic at hand.  You are trying to determine which of the four people on the show is most likely to be correct about the issue being discussed.  Which is the most efficient method to determine who is correct?

a) The host is correct because it’s their show, and they are not allowed to lie on TV

b) The person who looks most like a nerd is probably the smartest of the four, so they are most likely to be correct.

c) The most attractive person is probably correct because people like attractive people, and they likely were told the correct answer in advance.

d) If a government official is part of the discussion, then they are likely to be correct.

e) If a member of the clergy is part of the discussion, then they are most likely to be correct.

(The answer is on p. 2 of the PDF.)

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Real World Graduation, Question 56: Roe v. Wade

RealWorldGraduation_Question_56_Roe_v_Wade  <– PDF

The Supreme Court legalized abortion nationwide in 1973 in a ruling called the Roe v. Wade decision. Since then, many people who are opposed to abortion have been trying to get either a) the Supreme Court to reverse itself and overturn Roe v. Wade, or b) have the U. S. Congress pass legislation to negate the ruling.  If the Supreme Court or Congress simply overturned or negated the Roe v. Wade decision, i.e., as though the decision had never been handed down, what would be the net effect?

a) It would be illegal for anyone to be in favor of abortion rights

b) Women could be prosecuted under existing federal law for having an abortion

c) Doctors who performed abortions could be tried for murder under existing federal law

d) Women would be required to report pregnancy to the federal government so they could be monitored until giving birth

e) Both b) and c).

(The answer is on p. 2 of the PDF.)

Posted in critical thinking, Real World Graduation | No Comments »

Real World Graduation, Question 55: The Tax Code

RealWorldGraduation_Question_55_TaxCode   <– PDF

A man has earned income in a certain year. He took the “standard deduction” on his federal “gross income” tax, and as a result, his “taxable income” is taxed at 25%.  If he had made a $100 “tax-deductible” contribution that year, how much would his federal tax have changed?

a) “Tax deductible” refers only to state taxes, so his federal tax would remain unchanged.

b) His tax would have been reduced by $100.

c) The “tax deduction” only applies in the following year, so he would get a reduction next year, not now; his tax for the current year is unchanged.

d) His tax would be 25% of his gross income less the $100, or the amount previously calculated, whichever is less.

e) His total tax is 25% of $100 = $25.

(The answer is on p. 2 of the PDF.)

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Posted in critical thinking, government powers, Real World Graduation | No Comments »