Archive for April, 2018

Real World Graduation: Question 28

RealWorldGraduation_Question_28  <– PDF

A woman is shopping at a mall, and has a small bag of with one purchase from one of the various stores she has visited. She enters into another store, and sees a sign saying “Please leave all bags at the desk for your convenience”, and a store employee informs her that all her bags must be left at the front desk while shopping.  All the other shoppers are doing likewise.  In what ways is this convenient?

a) She won’t have to carry that other little bag around with her in the store

b) She won’t be running the risk of having someone steal from her bag while she is shopping

c) She will have more room in her cart

d) She will not run the risk of losing the small bag while shopping

e) Some combination of the above.

(The answer is on p. 2 of the PDF.)

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Real World Graduation: Question 27

RealWorldGraduation_Question_27   <– PDF

A group of artists has assembled samples of their work and have displayed them at public venues. Among the works is one that portrays child molestation as desirable, one that blatantly mocks Christians, one that ridicules the notion of hard work and sensible spending, and one that celebrates violence against women.  All of them have high-scale production values.   They are not cheap efforts designed only to get attention; they are serious artwork.


All of these works of art have themes that are contrary to traditional values, and in fact, turn out to be commercial failures. Why would artists knowingly and willingly spend their talents in this manner?

a) They are trying to find the limits of what is protected by the First Amendment

b) They are trying to illustrate the obsolescence of the traditional moral values by example.

c) It is usually the truly visionary people who tend to become artists; it is their job to instruct society.

d) They are using reverse psychology to educate people that what they depict in their art really should be rejected.

e) Some combination of a), b), and c).

(The answer is shown on p. 2 of the PDF.)

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Posted in critical thinking, First Amendment, progressive, Real World Graduation | No Comments »

Real World Graduation: Question 26

RealWorldGraduation_Question_26  <– PDF

Some political operatives stated during 2008 that there was a $5 trillion surplus at the end of the Clinton administration (20 Jan 2001).  The total national debt as of 30 Sep 2008 is $10.024 trillion, per the official U. S. treasury records [1].  The table below shows the budget deficits for each year of the G. W. Bush administration.  Keep in mind that a trillion is 1000 billion.  The total of all the deficits during the G. W. Bush administration is 4.35 trillion as shown at the bottom of the table.  A surplus of $5 trillion when Bush came into office, and a total debt of $ 10.024 as of 30 Sep 08 represents an increase in the debt of 15.024 trillion.  Where did all the money go?

a) George W. Bush, Richard V. Cheney, and all their crooked friends on Wall Street stole it.

b) It was spent on the war in Iraq.

c) It was spent on the war in Afghanistan

d) The rich people got tax cuts

e) Some combination of b), c), and d); and the jury is out on the possibility of answer a).

Year Ending       Deficit ($ Trillion)

30 Sep 2001          0.133

30 Sep 2002         0.421

30 Sep 2003         0.555

30 Sep 2004         0.596

30 Sep 2005         0.553

30 Sep 2006         0.574

30 Sep 2007         0.501

30 Sep 2008        1.017

Total deficits during G. W. Bush’s time in office = $4.45 Trillion


(The answer is shown on p. 2 of the PDF.)

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Posted in critical thinking, Economics, federal budget, national debt, Real World Graduation | No Comments »

Real World Graduation: Question 25

RealWorldGraduation_Question_25   <– PDF

Which of these are phrases found in the Constitution of the United States of America?

a) “… separation of church and state…”

b) “… government shall have the right …”

c) “… people shall be entitled to general welfare …”

d) “… right to rest and leisure …”

e) Both a) and c)

(The answer is shown on p. 2 of the PDF.)

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Posted in critical thinking, government powers, Real World Graduation, U. S. Constitution | No Comments »