Archive for July, 2017

Barack H. Obama’s Legacy, Part 8

ObamaLegacyPart8  <– PDF

President Donald Trump recently confirmed that Iran was in compliance with the so-called “Iran Deal”, signed by President Obama on 14 Jul 2015.  The “Iran Deal” is officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and is in fact a blueprint for Iran to do whatever it wants.  It was an agreement reached between Iran and a mix of interested nations: the U. S., U. K., France, Germany, the European Union, China, and Russia.

The terms of the agreement were:

  1. Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium is to be reduced from 10000 kg to 300 kg, with a maximum enrichment limited to 3.67%, and held at that level for 15 years.
  2. Iran’s only enrichment facility is to be located at Natanz; the number of centrifuges there is limited to 5000.
  3. The enrichment facility at Fordow is to be converted into a nuclear research facility.
  4. The number of centrifuges at Fordow is reduced to 1000; the remaining 13000 are to be used only as spares.
  5. Iran can conduct research and development of centrifuges by a separate agreement.
  6. The heavy water facility at Arak is to be converted such that no weapons-grade plutonium is produced as a by-product.
  7. Iran is prohibited form reprocessing spent nuclear fuel; it is to be exported (presumably to Russia).
  8. Iran agreed to monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
  9. The U. S. is to release $ 100 B in assets frozen after the 1979 Revolution.
  10. The U. S. and European Union are to lift most embargoes and economic sanctions on Iran.

The U. S. immediately released the assets and lifted the embargo.  But there a few peculiarities about this agreement.  First, Barack Obama appears to be the only one who signed it; Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani did not sign it, nor was it ratified by either Iran’s Parliament or the U. S. Senate. Iran has no legal obligations under the agreement.  Secondly, Iran has a veto on what personnel can visit which Iranian sites, and even if allowed, can delay it for 24 days.  No Americans are allowed in the IAEA delegations.  Third, Iran immediately disputed the interpretations (22 Jul 2015), claiming that there were no limitations on weapons, and Iran retained the right to import and export weapons as it saw fit.  It has continued to trade in weapons.  On Oct 2016, Iran’s Atomic Energy Agency leader Ali Akbar Salehi claimed that Iran’s nuclear program is intact.  Fourth, there is no viable means of monitoring whether or not Iran is complying, so, in the absence of contrary proof, President Trump probably had no choice but to re-certify it.

Meanwhile, trade between Iran and Germany, China, France and Russia has greatly expanded, including military aircraft, nuclear reactors, and anti-aircraft weapons.  Also, Iran continues to fund terrorist groups throughout the Middle East in its quest to dominate the region, including support for the Houthi rebels in Yemen, as well as their traditional proxies in Palestine (Hezbollah and Hamas).

Once again, we see the triumph of politics over reality as practiced by Mr. Obama. He got a political paper with nice-sounding words which in the end will promote and confirm Iran’s capacity to produce the nuclear arsenal it needs to threaten Israel and Saudi Arabia.

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Christie’s Private Beach

ChristiesPrivateBeach  <– PDF

The arrogance of power descended on a beach in New Jersey today as His Most High Graciousness Governor Chris Christie and his family enjoyed the sunny weather on Island Beach State Park.  It turns out that His Majestic Highness, owing to a budgetary dispute with the legislature, had ordered all state beaches closed as of Friday night.  Under New Jersey state law, His Graciousness has two official residences: one in Princeton, and one at Island Beach State Park.  The royal festivities were captured by a helicopter flying overhead.  His Majesty’s Lord High Spokesman at first denied that he was there, but when confronted with photographic proof, said:

“He didn’t get much sun because he had a baseball cap on.”

The Lord High Spokesman failed to mention if there is any exception granted to the His Graciousness under the law if the state beaches are closed to the public. His High Graciousness Christie took the time to look down his nose and issued a clarifying official statement on the matter:

“The governor is allowed to go to his residences, and I’m at my residences. I’ll tell you this, I said last Monday – a week ago today – that no matter what happens, we were coming here as a family this weekend.”

Apparently there is a new budget deal in the works that will open the beaches to the general public (you know, those slime-slurping bottom dwelling taxpaying lowlifes) in time for the Fourth of July.

The sad part is not that a governor thinks he’s royalty – that is as old as human nature. What is truly sad is that the people of New Jersey have been so brainwashed by serfdom that they are no longer offended by the open demonstration of official contempt.  There are a few applications that could have been made by the people, if they had the backbone for it.

First, the people could simply have declared that the beaches are open to everyone, since the Governor and his family are enjoying it. They should have proceeded to the beaches en masse, and dared anyone to arrest them.  Second, they could announce that government regulation of beaches is hereby abolished on the grounds that any government that regards itself above the law ipso facto cannot be trusted.  At minimum, an investigation should ensue as to whether any exception is allowed for the Governor in these instances, and if so, the exception should be immediately repealed.

In any case, the people of New Jersey should henceforth always refer to Christie as His Majesty, and other titles befitting such a royal personage, having demonstrated he is above the law, and (probably in his own mind) above the Constitution as well.

His High Graciousness had one final word to the lowlife peasantry:

“What a great bit of journalism by The Star-Ledger. They actually caught a politician being where he said he was going to be with the people he said he was going to be with, his wife and children and their friends.  I am sure they will get a Pulitzer for this one.”

His Majesty forgot to mention that he initially denied he was on the beach, and admitted it only after the picture became public. His statement also implies that friends of the royal family are also above the law.  Yet the people of New Jersey tolerate this level of arrogance.

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