Archive for September, 2014

The Islamic State Practices True Islam

The Islamic State Practices True Islam  <– PDF version

We have all heard of the atrocities currently being committed by the Islamic State (IS), also called the Islamic State in Iraq (ISIS) — starving of children, mass murders, forcing people into the wilderness by the thousands, summary executions of enemy soldiers, public beheadings of Arab children and Western journalists, etc.  IS has demanded that all within the territory they control who are not with them is against them.  Their demands are simple: convert, pay tribute to IS, or be killed.  President Barack “I lied, period” Obama has responded by authorizing a limited series of airstrikes against ISIS, motivated mostly by public opinion than coherent policy.  Allegedly, the U. S. is being assisted by a few Arab nations (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Jordan) in conducting these air missions.  The military experts inform us that this is neither a rational nor a victory-oriented strategy, but never mind that, Mr. Obama can now convincingly emulate President George W. Bush as a warrior upon “radical Islam”.  Both presidents have said that they believe Islam is a religion of peace, and that no true religion would conduct itself the way IS has done.  They are both wrong: Islam is the religion of peace only when they are in a tiny minority; as soon as they become a large minority or a majority, the true nature of Islam comes out: to spread the faith by force.

As proof, we need look no further than the policy of Abu Bekr, the first elected Caliph after the death of the Prophet Mohammed; he served as Caliph from the death of Mohammed in 632 until his assassination by poisoning in 634.  Abu Bekr was the father of Mohammed’s favorite wife, and was elected over Mohammed’s son-in-law Ali and an early dutiful convert, Omar.  The historian Henry Coppee has furnished us with the transition from Mohammed to Abu Bekr [1]:

“The venerable chief entered at once and with ardor upon the plans proposed by Mohammed.  He summoned the nation to arms, and after some desultory, or rather experimental efforts, he dispatched a large force to wrest Syria from the weak grasp of Heraclius.  His troops were full of ardor; the new war which was undertaken to propagate the faith would also enrich the faithful, by securing, as a result of victory, the costly spoils of the Lower Empire, of which the marvelous accounts hardly exceeded the marvelous reality.”

He followed the dictates of the Koran as laid out by the Prophet Mohammed [2]:

“If you be slain or die in defense of the religion of God, verily, pardon from God and mercy are better that what they heap together of worldly riches; and if you die or be slain, verily, unto God you shall be gathered.”

Here are Abu Bekr’s instructions to the army [3]:

“If God should give you the victory, do not abuse your advantages; and beware how you stain your swords in the blood of him who yields; neither touch the children, the women, or the infirm old men, that you may find among your enemies.  In your progress through the enemy’s lands, cut down no palms, or fruit trees, destroy not the products of the earth; ravage no fields; burn no dwellings; from the stores of your enemy, take only what you need for your own wants.  Let no destruction be made without necessity, but occupy the cities of the enemy, and if there be any that may serve as an asylum to your adversaries, them do you destroy.  Treat the prisoner, and him who renders himself to your mercy, with pity, as God shall do to you in your need, but trample down the proud and rebellious; nor fail to crush all who have broken the conditions imposed on them.  Let there be no perfidy or falsehood in your treaties with your enemies; be faithful in all things, proving yourselves upright and noble, and maintaining your word and promise truly.  Do not disturb the quiet of the monk or hermit, and destroy not their abodes, but inflict the rigors of death on all who shall refuse the conditions you would impose on them.”

What were these conditions?  Very simple, identical to what the new IS has proclaimed: “convert to Islam, pay tribute, or die by the sword.”

The new Islamic State, led by Abu Bekr al-Baghdadi (pseudonym or coincidence?), is in fact practicing the true form of Islam and spreading it in the way authorized by Mohammed and the successor caliphs.  This explains why every nation with a large Islamic population requires a government of tyranny and dictatorship: first, individual freedom is prohibited by Islam; and secondly, without a government of absolute powers, the nation would degenerate into perpetual chaos.  It is exactly as we have seen in Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Libya, and Iraq in recent years as soon as the secular dictators and absolute monarchs were overthrown or challenged.  It is a way of life in the weakly-governed Islamic portions of the Philippines, Sudan, and Somalia.  Why would our government try to deceive us into believing that Islam is a “religion of peace”?  Are they naive and gullible, or something worse?

[1]  Henry Coppee, The History of the Conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors, Vol. 1, p. 44,  Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1881

[2]  The Koran, chap. 3.

[3]  ibid., Coppee, Vol. 1, pp. 46, 47


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