Real World Graduation: Question 17

RealWorldGraduation_Question_17    <– PDF

A famous Hollywood movie star/celebrity concluded that he was born as the wrong sex because he was attracted to other men.  He had a sex change operation and changed his name from William to Jessica.  After the sex change, she found that she was no longer attracted to men, but was now attracted to women.  This has turned out to be very confusing for her and her fans.  What is the best course of action to address this unusual behavior?

a) Have a sex change back to a man and announce he is gay.

b) Maintain her sex as a woman, but live like a man and date women.

c) Undergo extensive therapy to find out why he/she thought she/he should have been a female in the first place.

d) Become a lesbian, since that is her present orientation.

e) Change his/her name to Dale, Kim, Robin, or Gene to get in touch with her masculine side (since these names are commonly given to both boys and girls).

(The answer is contained on p. 2 of the PDF.)

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