Real World Graduation: Anti-Gay Activists

RealWorldGraduation_Question_74_Anti-Gay_Activists   <– PDF

A certain homosexual man is consistently being harassed and intimidated by people who are opposed to the “gay lifestyle”. He has been assaulted several times (requiring hospitalization), lives in fear for his life, and is thinking of buying a gun for self-defense.  However, it is illegal to own, possess, or carry a gun in his city.  The city is economically distressed, and he is unable to sell his house and move away.  What should he do?

a) File complaints with the police, and depend on them for protection.

b) Turn “straight”.

c) Get a gang of gays together, go out and administer a beating one of his assailants; that will send a message to his abusers and solve the problem.

d) Hire some lawyers and attempt to sue his antagonists for harassment and violations of his civil rights.

e) A combination of a) and d).

(The answer is on p. 2 of the PDF.)

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